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Eliyahu Mali Quotes
Rabbi, head of religious school Shirat Moshe
4 Quotes by Eliyahu Mali
Today's terrorists are the children of previous wars, whom we let live. And in reality, it is the women who create the terrorists.
The one who comes to kill you here, in the broad sense, is not the person 16-30, the one who points his weapon at you. But also the next generation, and those who give birth to the next generation. In reality there is no difference.
The elderly people? There is no such thing as an innocent person in Gaza. By the way, the elderly man is capable of carrying a rifle and shooting.
You can't be clever with the Torah, and when the Torah says "Do not spare any soul" then you must not spare any soul. Today he is a child, today he is a youth, and tomorrow he is a fighter. The fighters, or those whom we call terrorists, who are 18 years old today, were 8 years old in the previous war. Therefore you must not stop [killing].
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