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On the day I arrived at the Gaza Strip I saw a crowded area, full of people, elderly, children, youth. From my perspective they were all militants, they were all terrorists. They need to be annihilated. That's what I thought.
On the day I arrived at the Gaza Strip I saw a crowded area, full of people, elderly, children, youth. From my perspective they were all militants, they were all terrorists. They need to be annihilated. That's what I thought.
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ביום שהגעתי לרצועת עזה, אני רואה איזור צפוף. מלא באנשים, זקנים, ילדים, צעירים. כולם היו מבחינתי מחבלים, כולם היו טרוריסטים. צריך להשמיד אותם. ככה חשבתי.
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