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This testimony, which joins a multitude of shocking testimonies and demonstrations of joy by children, youth, adults, and elders - women as well as men, has led me to the understanding that every inhabitant of the Strip who does not fight against ISIS Gaza, is a son of death. I am convinced that it will be possible to evacuate those few sane individuals from the territory of the Strip. Dear citizens of Israel, achieving world support for the elimination of Hamas is not considered an achievement and there is no logic in creating an equation that differentiates between uniformed individuals and the rest of the inhabitants there, except as mentioned for the exemption of those who go against that oppressive regime! Therefore, I am full of hope and anticipation that the decision-makers will clarify to the world about updating the war targets. The destruction of Gaza and all its inhabitants. They set the norms for both us and them, and we will act not to disappoint them and will operate, God willing, with strength, determination, and cool-headedness until a clear victory. I will pursue my enemies and overtake them, and I will not return until they are consumed. Together we will win!
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